Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another funny photograph from my camera phone

Well I think it's funny. Like someone was in such a hurry to get an ice cream that their shoe fell off. They got their ice cream and just left the shoe?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Here are some more found items of clothing in public spaces

Gloves, underwear and toupee. Yes, a toupee!

Two Sundays in Sydney

The roof of Cook + Phillip swimming pool near the domain: St Patricks day celebrations on the left, posing for Asian wedding photographs on the right.

Judy feeds roti to an ibis at the domain while overlooking the Art Gallery of NSW

A Surry Hills coconut. What the?

Umbrellas mimic Utzon's Opera House
The Opera House seen from the domain. This is a less photographed aspect that illustrates the importance of the base and walk up to the building. This demonstrates the influence of ancient Mayan architecture on the architects thinking.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

An interesting take on the stimulus packages

If you are interested in the economy, and who isn't at the moment, read the transcript of this interview. Or better still, watch the video. It's a beaut!