Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year

Oh, OK it's 2009 already. As I look back on 2008 I realise that I didn't write very many blogs. This is partly because I've been so busy with actual work. In 2009 I will try to be less busy (good luck to me) and write some more.

I'll keep uploading photographs of clothing in unusual contexts but I'll also start blogging about media sales and marketing which is where I ply my skills during the day. There is a lot of talk, especially in media & advertising circles, about digital media and how it is usurping traditional print media. I have some thoughts on this, and where the publishing media are heading, so I'll share them here during the year. Basically though, the argument goes that audiences and advertising revenues are migrating organically from print to digital. I'll claim that, while this is true, another important consideration is the behavioural change from mass media to niche media. This is an important strategic point which has been largely over-looked by media companies themselves. There is also a strain of thought that says audiences are choosing to move from print to digital media because digital media is more environmentally friendly. Given that sustainable forestry practices now exist, and the increasing amounts of electricity needed to power the world's PC's, much of which is generated by burning fossil fuels, this is a claim that needs further investigation. So plenty to talk about.

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